
Part I - Getting a project on github

So far we’ve used github classroom to set up the homework repos as github repos. For your project you’ll need to set up your own.

To practice we’ll use the cointoss project from class.

Step 0: Get Project and git setup

You can skip this step if you were following along in class and already have your own cointoss project in the cloud, with git set up.

  • Save a copy of the project at:

  • Create an overview of the project


    Edit and Knit the resulting REAMDE.Rmd file

  • Set up git

    On the terminal do the usual setup,

    git config --global "your email here"
    git config --global "your name here"
    git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 3600'

    Then run:


Remaining steps

Follow the guide at Happy Git with R starting at Section 18.5

A few key differences:

  • Make sure you make your repository from the class organziation page: This ensures I can see it.
  • Use a repo name that includes your github username, e.g. cwickham-coin-toss
  • Make sure you set it to Private not Public
  • 18.5.4 Can be done in the Terminal tab in RStudio.

At the end you have been successful if you can see the on github.

Part II: Choose your own adventure

There were a lot of possibly new R things in class this week: map2(), pmap(), mutate() from dplyr, ggplot2.

Reflect on what you struggled to understand in the code this week (you might head back to the notes to remind yourself) and pick something to learn more about. I have some pointers to resources below.

Some hints for self-directed learning in R:
