knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)

Presentation Schedule

Documentation and Testing

Useful techniques that come from R package development.

Adpated from Tidy Tools by Hadley Wickham CC BY NC 4.0.



You will need this RStudio Cloud Project


We want a function that adds columns from one dataframe to another at any position.

E.g Give example on board

In R/add_cols.R a first attempt add_cols(), ignore comments for now.

To load this function:


Or Crtl/Cmd + Shift + L

Your turn Come up with a simple example that we can test the add_cols() with.

What does the input to add_cols() look like? What should the output look like?

Try it out in a new R script or Rmarkdown.

What’s wrong with the current version of add_cols()? Don’t fix it yet!

Testing is a way to formalise this process.

Set up testing infrastructure

With add_cols.R open:


Replace this code:

test_that("multiplication works", {
  expect_equal(2 * 2, 4)

With this code:

test_that("can add column at any position", {
  df1 <- data.frame(a = 3, b = 4, c = 5)
  df2 <- data.frame(X = 1, Y = 2)
  at_pos <- function(i) {
    add_cols(df1, df2, where = i)
  expect_named(at_pos(1), c("X", "Y", "a", "b", "c"))
  expect_named(at_pos(2), c("a", "X", "Y", "b", "c"))
  expect_named(at_pos(3), c("a", "b", "X", "Y", "c"))
  expect_named(at_pos(4), c("a", "b", "c", "X", "Y"))


Your turn



Or Crtl/Cmd + Shift + T to run the tests.

Verify that they fail, then try to fix add_cols() to fix it.

Testing workflow

  1. Write code
  2. Test code: devtools::test() or Crtl/Cmd + Shift +
  3. Repeat

Some other uses:

  • When you stop work leave a test failing, that way you know where to start when you come back.
  • Test driven development: start by writing the tests before the function.

Writing tests

Now we’ll add another function add_col() in it’s own R file.

add_col(x, name, value, where) adds a single new column - draw picture on board.

Create the file in the right place:


Copy in this code:

add_col <- function(x, name, value, where) {
  df <- setNames(data.frame(value), name)
  add_cols(x, df, where = where)

Then run:


to open up the appropriate file for the tests.

Some useful testing functions

expect_equal(a, b) TRUE if a and b are that same based on all.equal().

Your turn

Add the following test, filling in the blank (___) to test the output.

test_that("where controls position", {
  df <- data.frame(x = 1)
  expect_equal(add_col(df, "y", 2, where = 1), ___)

Add another test for add_col(df, "y", 2, where = 2)

expect_error(a, "b") checks a results in an error message with a message that contain "b".

Your turn What should happen in this case?

add_col(df, "y", 2, where = "a")



Special comments where the function is defined get turned into documentation, e.g. in add_cols.R

#' Add a column to a data frame
#' Allows you to specify the position. Will replace existing variable
#' with the same name if present.
#' @param x A data frame
#' @param name Name of variable to create. If a variable of that name
#'   already exists it will be replaced
#' @param value Values to insert.
#' @param where Position to insert. Use 1 to insert on LHS, or -1 to insert on
#'   RHS.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(x = 1:5)
#' add_col(df, "y", runif(5))
#' add_col(df, "y", runif(5), where = 1)
#' add_col(df, "x", 5:1)

Documentation using roxygen2


  1. You write specially formatted comment above function definitions
  2. devtools::document() generates .Rd files
  3. Preview, ?topicname R converts .Rd to HTML for viewing.

Your turn


Fix the typos in add_cols() documentation, re-document to check your work.


  • “Another” in the title is spelled wrong.
  • The “x” in the description of the where argument should look like code.
  • In Details, “right” should be “left”

Starting from scratch

For a function with no documentation. Put your cursor in the body of the function: Code -> Insert Roxygen Skeleton

Try it with add_col().

Next week

  • Presentations
  • Package/Project level documentation