knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = FALSE)
Useful techniques that come from R package development.
Testing - formal tests of functions to ensure correctness as changes are made
Documentation - formal R documentation so others (and future you) know how to use functions
Adpated from Tidy Tools by Hadley Wickham CC BY NC 4.0.
You will need this RStudio Cloud Project
We want a function that adds columns from one dataframe to another at any position.
E.g Give example on board
In R/add_cols.R
a first attempt add_cols()
, ignore comments for now.
To load this function:
Or Crtl/Cmd + Shift + L
Your turn Come up with a simple example that we can test the add_cols()
What does the input to add_cols()
look like? What should the output look like?
Try it out in a new R script or Rmarkdown.
What’s wrong with the current version of add_cols()
? Don’t fix it yet!
Testing is a way to formalise this process.
With add_cols.R
Replace this code:
test_that("multiplication works", {
expect_equal(2 * 2, 4)
With this code:
test_that("can add column at any position", {
df1 <- data.frame(a = 3, b = 4, c = 5)
df2 <- data.frame(X = 1, Y = 2)
at_pos <- function(i) {
add_cols(df1, df2, where = i)
expect_named(at_pos(1), c("X", "Y", "a", "b", "c"))
expect_named(at_pos(2), c("a", "X", "Y", "b", "c"))
expect_named(at_pos(3), c("a", "b", "X", "Y", "c"))
expect_named(at_pos(4), c("a", "b", "c", "X", "Y"))
Your turn
Or Crtl/Cmd + Shift + T to run the tests.
Verify that they fail, then try to fix add_cols()
to fix it.
or Crtl/Cmd + Shift +Some other uses:
Now we’ll add another function add_col()
in it’s own R file.
add_col(x, name, value, where)
adds a single new column - draw picture on board.
Create the file in the right place:
Copy in this code:
add_col <- function(x, name, value, where) {
df <- setNames(data.frame(value), name)
add_cols(x, df, where = where)
Then run:
to open up the appropriate file for the tests.
expect_equal(a, b)
if a
and b
are that same based on all.equal()
Your turn
Add the following test, filling in the blank (___
) to test the output.
test_that("where controls position", {
df <- data.frame(x = 1)
expect_equal(add_col(df, "y", 2, where = 1), ___)
Add another test for add_col(df, "y", 2, where = 2)
expect_error(a, "b")
checks a
results in an error message with a message that contain "b"
Your turn What should happen in this case?
add_col(df, "y", 2, where = "a")
Special comments where the function is defined get turned into documentation, e.g. in add_cols.R
#' Add a column to a data frame
#' Allows you to specify the position. Will replace existing variable
#' with the same name if present.
#' @param x A data frame
#' @param name Name of variable to create. If a variable of that name
#' already exists it will be replaced
#' @param value Values to insert.
#' @param where Position to insert. Use 1 to insert on LHS, or -1 to insert on
#' RHS.
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(x = 1:5)
#' add_col(df, "y", runif(5))
#' add_col(df, "y", runif(5), where = 1)
#' add_col(df, "x", 5:1)
generates .Rd
R converts .Rd
to HTML for viewing.Your turn
Fix the typos in add_cols()
documentation, re-document to check your work.
argument should look like code.For a function with no documentation. Put your cursor in the body of the function: Code -> Insert Roxygen Skeleton
Try it with add_col()